Lots of Thank you message to friend for their support | Both genders and various scenarios covered

Lots of Thank you messages and notes for your friend support on this post

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Friendship is one of the finest blessings of the almighty. Lucky are those individuals who have lots of close friends. Science and many sacred ancient texts have depicted that having lots of close friends increases the tranquility of mind, which is a key aspect for longevity and quality of life.

But that’s not all. True friends really show their valueness to you when you really need assistance. And the closer your friends are, the less validation they need to help you out.

And therefore, if you ever receive a gracious help from your friend, it is imperative for you to acknowledge their efforts sincerely. This not only livens up their heart and feelings but will also make your friendship more formidable to stand the test of time. 

But more often than not, we are not able to find the right words to express our feelings and gratitude. And this is why we have created this post for you folks. 

So without wasting any more time, lets get on to some really heartfelt, warm thank you messages to your friends for their support under various circumstances.


Thank you message to friend for their support


You are truly the epitome of altruism and a compassionate human being. I was least expecting this help from you honestly. But being so kind-hearted, you came forward to help me, which is absolutely appreciative in today’s world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Years of sincere prayers has always paved me big time, when I receive help from my closest guys. You guys have shown time and again that I can always count on you. Your help has really allowed me to get the better of my circumstances. Needless to say, but the onus is on me now to reciprocate this gesture in a big way!


**Looking for thank you messages to your friend for their warm hospitality? Read it here **

You guys truly deserves a bear hug for all your support over the years. I cannot fathom the level of success I would have achieved without you guys! Kudos to all of you. I wish that the almighty gives keeps us together forever.


Thank you message to friends for support during bereavement


I pray to the almighty that the pain of the bereavement doesn’t come upon anyone. I feel so blessed to have the shoulders of you guys upon which I can always rely on during the hard times. With the help of you guys, the phase of sadness from bereavement has passed away quickly. Thank you, everyone, for the support.


The bereavement certainly took a toll on my health but fortunate I am to have people like you in my life. You guys provided a lot of painstaking help despite facing such a crunch situation in your personal lives. Your help has given me immense faith in true friendship. Thank you, everyone, for your support.


** Too many thank you messages to your friend for visiting you. Many scenarios covered. Click here to read **


When God sees its child suffering from bereavement, it definitely sends a few of its highest altruistic people with selfless nature. You guys are the embodiment of it. Truly! Your benevolence for me in this tough time will surely stay in my heart for life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Funny humoristic thank you message to your friend for their support


Wow! I God truly helps the kind innocent ones. Isn’t it! Just kidding mate! Without your effort, I was dead in the water in my business. May the divine deepens the trust of our friendship for eternity! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help!


There was a time when I really started to doubt the loyalty of your friendship! This help from your end has confirmed now that I am still in the group of your closest friends! Just kidding mate! Help or no, we will always be friends through thick and thin.


With your help tonight, I guess we are even now! And therefore, no more freebies or anything of that sort from now on! Oh kidding mate! It’s been gracious of you to lend the help in difficult times. May the almighty gives us plenty of reasons to have a joyous ride in our friendship.


There are times when I wished the almighty to get rid of you from my life! Because you are so demanding! Hahaha!!! Absolutely joking mate! With all the weirdness of both of us, we surely are a great pair of friends. And with your recent gesture, I am confident of falling on your shoulders, if i face failures in my personal and professional endeavors.


Heartfelt Thank you message to friend (male to female) for their assistance


Life may bless us with good food, good home and money, but none of it can substitute a kind hearted and selfless friend who is as beautiful as you are. You are not only bestowed with physical beauty but your support really motivates people. Thank you for your assistance dear! Feel free to ask me for any help!


** For heartfelt thank you messages and notes to you friend for the Lunch, click here **


It has always been a pleasure to receive help from you. But more valuable than your help is your aura, your tranquility and the tender loving care which really is contagious and propels me to do good in life. Thank you for being a part of my life.


I cannot comprehend my success without you. This help not only relieved my undue stress but also helped me in channelizing the energy for achieving the success. I feel the almighty has really blessed me with you in my life. Gratitude for your help dear!


Thank you message with vibes of flirtatiousness (male to a female) for their help


I am glad to have such a kind hearted, beautiful friend on whom I can always fall upon during the bad times. You are the personification of female friend which every guy would desire. May the cosmos bless you with all the happiness in the world.


May the divine bestows you with great difficulties so that I can always come to rescue you from it! Just kidding! In fact, you need to reciprocate now with more sincerity to solve some of my problems? Agreed? Cheers to our friendship!


There is serious dearth of women who are not only gorgeous but are willing to give a helping hand to their guy friends. You are one such beautiful women who is stunningly bestowed for your beauty, and for your open heart. A real hearty thanks for this help of yours. Glad to be your good friend!


Funny Sarcastic thank you message to a friend (male to female) for their support


Phew!! Thanks a ton for your undivided attention and help towards my misery. I now firmly believe that God truly sends angel for the sinless and moralistic guys who abides by his ethical values. The almighty will reward you surely for such a noble act. You are advised to keep taking care of me for more rewards from the divine!


I was expecting you to really bend your back for me! But you surpassed my expectations with ease! Lol! Just pulling your leg dear! Really appreciate your help for me in the current scenario!


I have always lead a king-size life. And the almighty has rewarded me with so many great people to lend a hand in all my endeavors. Lucky are the ones who get to help an individual like me who is so tender-hearted, kind and filled with all the altruistic values! Lucky is the reader of this message too! Hahaha!! Just kidding dear! I appreciate your help honestly!


Flirtatious thank you messages (from female to male) for his support


Wow! I didn’t know what a gem of an individual you are! Your support was critical for my success and I am glad to have you around. You are the personification of a true gentleman and I just can’t get enough of you seriously! A sincere thank you dear!


Every time I receive your help, I envision my future husband to have your moral characteristics. You are the ideal gentleman that every woman absolutely cherish. Thanks for helping me out. Looking really forward to reciprocate your kind help.


Sincere acknowledgment of your friend support (female to male) during the tough times


I cannot imagine how the scenario would have turned out for me, had it not been for your timely support. I wish the almighty bless our friendship with more admiration, trust and respect. Thanks a ton ……(name of your friend)…………..for your instant help.


I truly believe that a sensible, cute looking people of the opposite sex can always be great friends. And that’s what I cherish about you. You are amazingly kind, helpful and needless to say, charismatic as hell! I Your help has greatly allowed me to pursue the career of my dreams finally! May our friendship last till eternity.


There are very few people in my life who can come to my aid when I desperately need it. You are surely one of them and I am so grateful to the divine for having you in my life. Please feel no hesitation in asking me for help, as I am more than willing to reciprocate the favor.


Thank you from the bottom of your heart (female to female) for helping you out


Hey sweety! You are not only adorable but tender-hearted too. Frankly speaking, I had lost all the hopes, until you lent me some help. Thanks for such a kind gesture and be assured that I will try my best to surpass the expectations to help you out. See you soon!


You are so jovial and compassionate. Your help really came in at the time when I was striving desperately for it. Blessed is me, who has such a great companion in life. You are the sweetheart that definitely adds joy to my life.


Thank you message to a friend for references and recommendations


Hey buddy! A warm thanks for your help. I have had a great meeting with the ………………… and they liked my proposal. All thanks to you for setting me with these influential people. You and they are great! Life is great because of people like you!


I can’t thank you enough for setting this all for me! You are an awesome man! Everything went well and I am confident of getting the proposal approved! Really appreciate all that you did for me!


Thank you note to your friend for taking your side in the arguments and debates


Woww!! That was such a lively debate! And I found immense support in it from your end with your beliefs backed with logic and facts. Really enjoyed it and looking forward to thrash the other team in the next round! Kudos to our team!


I wouldn’t have been able to decipher the stupidity of our rivals in the debate, had it not been for your assistance with facts, analysis and unbiased sources. The pertinent facts given by you really turned the debate in our favor. I appreciate your skills!


Thank you message to a friend for financial support


If it wasn’t for you, the situation could have worsened for me. But the almighty really helped me out for sending you. Your benevolent and timely assistance really mitigated the problem. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.


The power of the Divine is truly omnipotent. Your financial assistance really came in at the time I lost all hopes. Your compassion and altruistic values have touched my heart dear friend! I am so grateful to have you in my life!


** To read thank you messages written for friends especially for their financial support, check this detailed post**




We hope that you have enjoyed our well-written thank you message to friends for their support under various circumstances. We will keep on adding more and more unfeigned messages that will convey your acknowledgment to your friends for their support. Till next time, Good Bye!

Author Info


At TyoHaar Utsav, I love to jot down messages for various occasions, festivals, and situations which helps the people to use them without having to come up with their own time - consuming words.

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