Image Source: – People vector created by iconicbestiary – www.freepik.com
Having a sister is like a blessing in this world. Not only she brings a vivacious dynamic to your relationship but also a shadow of motherhood. She introduces a world of the opposite gender and gives an insight into how they think and view the world.
The day of the marriage anniversary is an important event for an individual. Needless to say, of all the people, your sister craves for your attention the most on such a special occasion. But coming up with an articulated, well-meaning, funny (even bit sarcastic!) wedding anniversary wish for your sister is no easy task.
And that’s what this post is all about. Here you will find plenty of Sister anniversary wishes. So let’s get onto them.
Table of Contents
- 1 Heartfelt and emotional wedding anniversary wishes for Sister and brother-in-law (From both Brother and Sister)
- 2 Funny (a bit sarcastic!) anniversary wishes to cousin Sister and Jiju
- 3 Special Inspiring anniversary wishes for younger sister if their relationship is going through turmoil
- 4 Religious Christian Wedding Anniversary wishes for dear Sister
- 5 1st marriage anniversary Card wishes for Elder Sister
- 6 2nd year marriage anniversary wishes for Sister
- 7 3rd year marriage anniversary wishes for Sister
- 8 10 year wedding anniversary wishes for the Sister
- 9 Silver Jubilee wedding anniversary wishes for Big Sister and brother-in-law
- 10 Card anniversary wishes of Golden Jubilee for dear Sister with images
- 11 Short and cute one line marriage anniversary wishes for sister and brother in law
- 12 Adjectives, thoughts, and phrases that can help you to write down a message for your sister on such occasion
Heartfelt and emotional wedding anniversary wishes for Sister and brother-in-law (From both Brother and Sister)

Image source: – Wedding vector created by freepik – www.freepik.com
Dear sis and brother-in-law! Congratulations on completing another year of happy, joyous marriage. It gives me great ebullience to see you support each other through various circumstances. Happy anniversary to both of you!
For a brother, there is no greater happiness in the world than to see her sister sparkling with happiness. A lot of credit definitely goes to our brother in law. May the Almighty bestow you guys with longevity and great health.
Very rare are the individuals who are able to max out the potential from their partners! You two have the perfect wavelength that matches with each other. Great to have you guys in my life! Happy anniversary dear sister
You two are the Godsent couple who have time and again shown exemplary actions on how to treat the partner with love, respect, and loyalty. I wish you keep going like this forever! All the anniversary wishes to you!
I feel so lucky to have been blessed with such a cutie pie sister and an adorable husband. I have learned so much from you two. You clearly are the epitome of a perfect couple. Happy anniversary to both of you!

Image Source: – Wedding vector created by pikisuperstar – www.freepik.com
There is nothing sweeter in this world than to earn the respect, love, and loyalty of our partner. The work in the initial years might seem arduous but it certainly pays off in the long run. Kudos to your anniversary both of you!
Despite the age difference, the way you guys click with each other on all levels is so gladsome. Society may say anything but what’s more important is that you both rock each other’s world. Happy anniversary dear sister and brother in law!
Funny (a bit sarcastic!) anniversary wishes to cousin Sister and Jiju
Sometimes, even though we want to wish the best of anniversary wishes to our cousin sister, there are times when the surface perception (and reality) of their relationship is far from ideal. Feel free to send sarcastic and funny anniversary wishes to your cousin sister and jiju in such an event.

Image Source: – School vector created by vectorpouch – www.freepik.com
It’s a supreme effort to see both of you adjusting to the likes and weird dislikes of each other. It requires a lot of compromises! Happy anniversary to both of you!
Dear, Sister. May all your wishes, goals, and visions be accomplished in this lifetime. And dear Jiju, may you buy all the gifts in the world for my lovely, gorgeous sister. Happy Anniversary to both of you.
Happiness is seeing my Jiju agreeing to everything that my sister says so. May there be more men like in this world like my Jiju. Happy Anniversary to both of you.
What good a relationship is if there is no banter from time to time! The fun and excitement from playful exchange recuperate the core of your being. Happy anniversary to two of you!
Our brother-in-law surely deserves a round of applause for withstanding the erratic nature and temperament of our cousin sister from time to time. I hope the Almighty keeps his resilience high in the future too. Happy anniversary to both of you!
Friends and relatives may always come and go, but your partner will stay by your side through thick and thin, even if he may not agree with you lol! That’s what the institution of marriage binds us to. Happy marriage anniversary!
To keep down my hot-headed gorgeous sister, our brother in law is certainly doing something right! I wonder what that is! Happy anniversary to both of you btw!
Clash of egos is bound to happen when two individuals with strong opinions live together. It amazes me how you cope with each other’s daunting personality! I hope everything remains smooth in the coming years. Happy anniversary to dear sister and brother in law.
There is no companionship like your partner! He will be there at times for you when your friends, relatives and siblings may or may not be there for you! Cherish what you have and you guys will never sail smoothly through this beautiful journey of life! Happy anniversary!
In order to handle our cousin sister well, our brother-in-law always needed to have an extra dosage of emotional intelligence, knowledge, hard work. And I am very happy that he has everything. Happy marriage anniversary to both of you guys!
I am proud of my beautiful sister who has tied down the bad habits of our Jiju. Lol! May the Almighty now keep the family on the right track! Happy anniversary!
It is a preconceived notion that people of major age difference cannot be like younger folks. You guys enjoy the lifestyle, fitness, and vigor that is envious to most younger folks these days. So proud of you! Keep rocking! Happy anniversary!
Special Inspiring anniversary wishes for younger sister if their relationship is going through turmoil

Image Source: – People vector created by ddraw – www.freepik.com
When the going gets tough, the tough get going! On this special occasion, I want you to be reminiscent of the fond memories that you had during the courtship period. May love prosper and everything else diminish. Happy anniversary dear!
It is usually not a correct way of enforcing the opinions all of sudden on the spouses even if it is for their own benefit. A certain time period is needed to permeate those opinions in a partner. Hope you get what I mean! Happy anniversary!
Sometimes in the hindsight of love and ego, we forget to adopt a pragmatic approach to communicate and resolve our differences. It is better to lower our ego and self-defense, instead of regretting later on! May the things will be resolved between the two of you at the earliest. Happy anniversary!
No matter what you two may believe, there is always a threshold limit, a point of no return, beyond which if things escalate, the reconciliation goes out of the window. Be grateful to each other and everything will fall in line. Happy anniversary!
Where there is a will, there is always away! Don’t let the romance die out. Dark phases will come and go but the love will always be eternal. Happy anniversary to my beautiful younger sister and brother in law. Everything will be fine! Have faith
There exists no problem in the world that cannot be diluted by eliminating the ego. I would be happy if this anniversary occasion paves the way for an open, honest and heart-to-heart communication between the two of you. Happy anniversary to both of you!
Life is an ever-evolving journey. We may make mistakes but the Almighty has given us enough talent and skills to overcome them. May the divine intervention resolve all the conflict between the two of you. Happy anniversary guys!
Religious Christian Wedding Anniversary wishes for dear Sister

Image Source: – Wedding vector created by brgfx – www.freepik.com
Lucky are those guys to whom the Lord Christ has lavished all the goodness of life. The sparkle in your eyes and effervescence for our beloved brother-in-law is just a treat to watch Happy Christian wedding anniversary wishes!
Challenges are the part and parcel of every relationship. And the Almighty has a weird knack of giving it to its children in order to assess their faith in altruism and egoless character. Dear sister and brother in law, let the sorrows of the past do not hamper the beautiful future of you two. Happy anniversary!
The Lord Christ has certainly infused all the right qualities in our brother in law. You should be grateful to the Almighty for bestowing you with such a quality human being. Happy anniversary!
Nothing makes my heart brimmed with more love than to see another Christian in our family. The Lord Christ is very happy to see the amazing benevolence and prosperity of both of you. May you continue to propel like this. Happy wedding anniversary wishes guys!
When so many problems are looming upon, then the intervention of Lord Christ is the only thing that can bring us out of the problems. May he give you enough motivation and strength to bear the hard times because there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Happy anniversary dear!
1st marriage anniversary Card wishes for Elder Sister
It only feels yesterday that you guys got married, isn’t it! I am sure this first year has been an eventful one for the both of you. Well, there are plenty of happy times awaiting you as you enter into the second year of your marriage now. Happy 1st wedding anniversary!
Congrats on completing the first year! Just a quick tip to never take your partner for granted! We all need doses of love and respect from time to time. As a brother, my help will always be there for the two of you! Congrats again for the 1st wedding anniversary!
Dear, sister! I hope you are having the time of your life in your family. May the love and prosperity soar through the roof. Say my heartfelt gratitude to brother-in-law. Happy 1st marriage anniversary!
The first year can always be a troublesome one, especially for arranged marriage couples. But it definitely deserves acknowledgment of how well you have managed the first year! I am sure happier times now lie ahead! Happy 1st wedding anniversary to my beautiful Elder sister and Jiju.
2nd year marriage anniversary wishes for Sister
I am so happy to have an adorable jiju who pampers my sister in everything. It is a lifelong commitment to devote yourself to each other in every aspect and I am sure the two of you will give everything to do it. Happy 2nd anniversary!
A bit of banter and occasional fights happen in every husband-wife relationship. However, such days will be nostalgic memories in your old days. So enjoy every moment of this sacred relationship. Happy 2nd marriage anniversary to you!
On this second anniversary, I pray to the Almighty for the behemoth of success for both of you. May the divine bestow all the happy blessings upon you and children! Happy 2nd anniversary once again!
There is no better umbrella of love and care other than of your partner’s. May love, empathy, and respect always remain the pillars of your relationship. Happy second marriage anniversary!
3rd year marriage anniversary wishes for Sister
Hey sister! It may feel as if the honeymoon period is over, but sometimes we have to propel the excitement and fun in order to prevent stagnation. Happy 3rd anniversary to both of you!
I am pretty sure that the last two years have given you immense happiness and joy. But don’t let the satisfaction creep in your relationship yet. Keep at it bay. There is plenty of fun, good surprises that are awaiting in your blissful marriage. Happy 3rd wedding anniversary to my sister in Jiju!
10 year wedding anniversary wishes for the Sister

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It is definitely a milestone achievement for completing a decade. And you guys have put in the supreme effort for cruising the troughs and crests, the ebbs and flows of life. May this journey becomes smoother with every passing year. Happy 10th anniversary to my dear sister!
Legends have it that if a couple survives ten years of marriage, then they are well onto the journey of eternity. Happy anniversary to gorgeous sister and handsome brother in law.
There is no iota of doubt that marriage in itself is a roller-coaster ride! Only the purest and noble souls survive it! And I am very happy to see you amongst them. It’s a great achievement to complete the decade. Toast to your 10 years of the anniversary!
There is no such thing as an easy marriage. But I am so proud of you the way you have held each other. The journey has only begun dear sister. You two have a long way to go! Congratulations on the successful decade! All wishes for the upcoming years.
Silver Jubilee wedding anniversary wishes for Big Sister and brother-in-law

Image Source: – Christmas photo created by azerbaijan_stockers – www.freepik.com
The intricacies of a loving relationship always require strong pillars of loyalty, trust, and respect for each other. While someone may not admit openly, there are keen eyes around us who have learned from your blissful relationship of 25 years. Keep going. Happy silver jubilee anniversary to both of you.
In this world of modernity, you two are the classic example of a couple who made up their mind to make things work in their marriage despite the distractions, temptations and difficult circumstances. I congratulate you on completing the 25 years. Happy silver jubilee anniversary dear sister and brother in law.
Today reminds me of the day when you choose to tie up with the adorable brother-in-law. While I did have my concerns back then, I am so proud of the brother-in-law who proved me wrong over the years. Very lucky is my sister to have such a supportive brother-in-law. Happy silver jubilee anniversary to you!
It takes a strong resilience and soulful love that overpowers the dislikes and annoyance of our spouses. You two have put in a commendable effort into the relationship and I am so glad to see you today celebrating 25 years of marriage. Happy 25 years of silver jubilee anniversary! God bless both of you!

Image Source: – Wedding vector created by starline – www.freepik.com
Even after 25 years, it stuns me to see the love, lust, and appreciation that you have for each other. You two are still kicking just like during your courtship period and nothing is more heartwarming to see than that. Now the goal surely should be to reach 50th anniversary (and beyond!). As of now, happy silver jubilee wedding anniversary dear sister!
When two people have given every ounce of their time, effort and energy into the personal and professional endeavors of their spouses, they deserve a serious pat on their back. Happy 25 years of marriage anniversary!
I have grown up watching almost every sphere of your relationship. Your souls are intertwined with each other and your heart is still tender and naive just like it was in the heydays. I pray to God that this beautiful journey keeps on rolling forever. Happy silver jubilee anniversary to both of you!
Card anniversary wishes of Golden Jubilee for dear Sister with images

Image Source: – People vector created by freepik – www.freepik.com
In a world when people are having a hard time staying together, you two have time and again proved that hard work and a tad bit of compromises certainly pays off in the long run. Congrats for crossing 50 years of marriage milestones. Happy golden jubilee anniversary!
When passion, fervor, desire, and the strong pillars are there as the foundation, every relationship can withstand unexpected turmoil from time to time. As a sensible, loving couple, you both have proved your mettle for the perfect marriage in the last 50 years. Happy Golden jubilee wedding anniversary to you two!
It makes me wonder how much sacrifice you both have given in the last 50 years. Was it worth it? I absolutely will say yes as it seems you both are enjoying the prime of your lives in all aspects. Well, the journey I believe is far from over and hope the Almighty prolongs it for infinity. Happy Golden jubilee anniversary to both of you.
It is very heartening to see when couples remain humble, down to earth despite enjoying the colossal success for nearly three decades. It is only your good deeds that the Almighty has saturated your life with such great vigor and zestfulness and I wish that it continues forever. Happy Golden Jubilee marriage anniversary wishes to dear sister and brother in law.

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Despite the grey hair and wrinkles, your demeanor and outlook are still that of a vigorous youth. Your love for each other is like a fountain of youth which has what kept you in such great health for 50 years. I am sure that the journey is far from over! Happy Golden jubilee anniversary wishes to both of you!
Short and cute one line marriage anniversary wishes for sister and brother in law
May the gleam of the blissful marriage stay on your beautiful face forever. Happy anniversary Sister!
Time seems still for the two of you, courtesy of your insane love for each other. May it keep multiplying. Happy anniversary!
Love is that enigmatic force that traverses time and space and gives rejuvenation to your heart! May your heart remain forever brimmed with it. Happy anniversary!
You guys are the embodiment of a perfect couple sent from the divine. I pray to him that he keeps all bad times at bay! Happy anniversary!
You are my ideal couple. It has restored my faith in this beautiful institution called marriage. Happy anniversary dear sister and brother in law!
Adjectives, thoughts, and phrases that can help you to write down a message for your sister on such occasion
Penchant, beautiful sister, handsome brother in law, colossal, behemoth success, ebullience, vivacity, intertwined, compliment, blessings, plethora, applaudable, commendable, infinite love and vigor, perplexity, nostalgic memories, embodiment, monumental stacks of success after success, noblest of intentions, altruism, contemplate, When the going gets tough, the tough get going, stupendous, tenacity, demeanor, and no-nonsense attitude, an umbrella of your love and care, Iota of doubt, proved your mettle, companionship, enigmatic force, traverses time and space and etc.
Even if a sister leaves the house after the wedding, she always remains an integral part of the family. While there may be ups and downs, ebbs and flows between you and your sister, all of it can be discarded when you have to wish a heartfelt anniversary wish for her.
We hope that you have enjoyed the various wedding anniversary wishes to your sister. More and more meaningful messages will be added in the coming months. We urge you to leave your valuable feedback so that we come to improve our messages.