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Someone has rightly said that it is important to work for a good boss rather than a good organization. A good boss makes all the difference to your career. Their aura not only inspires you but they also propel you to massive success later on in your professional endeavors
After years of time and energy investment into you, your boss may not say but they do appreciate a sincere acknowledgment of their role in forging your career.
While there are many instances for acknowledging the efforts of your Boss, the retirement occasion is one where it is almost imperative of you to say some good things about your retiring boss.
And this is what this post is all about. We have prepared some well-thought-out and genuine acknowledgment messages wish for your retiring boss. We have also included some tips on jotting down a heartfelt, emotional and funny retirement message.
So without wasting any more time, let us get down to the messages.
Table of Contents
- 1 Retirement Messages for Boss
- 2 Funny Retirement Wishes to Boss and Friend
- 3 Emotional sentiments message for retiring Boss and Mentor
- 4 Writing thoughtful messages to your Boss and Mentor upon their surprised retirement announcement
- 5 Inspirational retiring message to Male Boss (Female To Male)
- 6 How to say simple retirement wishes for Ex- boss and Mentor
- 7 Heartfelt Retirement messages for a female boss who is leaving (Female to Female)
- 8 How to write a happy retirement card message for your Boss and Mentor
- 9 Religious Christian retirement wishes for your wonderful Boss and Mentor
- 10 Sample Farewell Retirement (Letter) Speech for Boss (for both male and female) on behalf of the entire team
- 11 Formal or Casual? What type of tone should reflect from your message?
- 12 Should you include a funny tone in the retirement message (by the male employee) for your female boss?
- 13 Things to keep in mind while preparing the retirement message, speech, letter, notes for your boss
- 14 What about the Boss you despise? Should you give him too a retirement message?
- 15 What is the best way to celebrate his/her retirement?
Retirement Messages for Boss
It has been an honor to work under someone like you. Not only you instilled great beliefs in us but have also shown the path for a better, happier and fulfilled life. Thank you Boss for Everything. May the next innings of your life be really good too.
I would never forgot the times when you stood up for me. May everyone gets a Boss like you. Promise us that you are retiring only from the work and not from the joys of life.
Dear Boss! Nothing has been more gratifying in my profession than having you as my Boss. You are not only my Boss, but also a mentor, and somewhat a friend too, who really helped me when everyone in my life showed their back to me! I learned a lot from you. No matter if you are retiring, you will forever be my Boss! Enjoy your retirement!
While many bosses around the world only preach about gender inequality, no office politics, and many things, I have never met anyone like you who has diligently kept those things under control! You are the fine embodiment of a great Boss who has earned the respect of his people. Working for you has been no different than joy. Thank you for imparting all the right guidance to us! Happy retirement!
You not only made me excelled in my career and skills but also refined my personality to deal with the complexities of the people. I will never forget your painstaking efforts for polishing me! The organization will miss you! And you are leaving a huge void to be filled. Happy retirement Boss!
The world will now have one lesser Boss, who was not actually a Boss, but mentor cum friend; a selfless man who brought the best out of everyone and propelled them to great success. May the Almighty keep such people healthy, joyous and full of life. Happy Retirement Dear!
Funny Retirement Wishes to Boss and Friend
Hey Boss! Now no more annoyance from us! You got tired of all that didn’t you! No more office politics, no more backstabbing! Lol! Our professional journey has been a roller coaster ride. Wish to come back for one more shot? Haha. Just kidding! I know you had enough. Enjoy your retirement!
Hey! You gotta be kidding about retirement, isn’t it! I was so so sure that you are going to take your last breath on your office chair only. Lol! But gladly you have become a bit mellowed and have heeded the advice of your family members. Now enjoy some precious time with them until your departure to God! Happy Retirement life!
When the going gets tough, the tough gets you going! Now the time has come for you to take on the full-time job of house management, for which you will be paid zero dollars. Lol! Enjoy the retirement mate!
Since you will now spend most of the time at home, your wife and children will bear the brunt of your demanding nature! But I guess, owing to our retaliation towards you, you yourself have deciphered on how to tackle the people at home now without confrontation. Enjoy your retirement!
It is finally happening what we have been yearning for all these years! Your personality of harsh criticism and strict demeanor was too much to handle. Lol! But I will be honest in admitting that you made us stronger with every working day! I cannot fathom the amount of value that you have bestowed upon all your teammates! Thank you for all of that! Happy retirement!
I know that you are tired of the gossip, office politics and dramas of human behavior. You have been a wonderful servant of this organization and there is a serious dearth of people like you in the corporate world. I wish you a very happy, exuberant and joyous retirement. All my well-wishes to you!
Emotional sentiments message for retiring Boss and Mentor
Dear Boss! We really do not know how to express our aching heart for seeing you retire. While you are apparently retiring on a high note, yet we do feel that you have yet to reach some important milestones with us. You are leaving big shoes to be filled! The void will always be felt! We wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. Happy retirement life!
There were times when I despised your feedback but over the years, I have realized how realized the genuine intent of you, which was to help me overcome the challenges and fears. I have grown by leaps and bounds over the years and you certainly are the instigator for pushing me to the limit. Thank you for your guidance and support. I will miss you. Happy Retirement!
Writing thoughtful messages to your Boss and Mentor upon their surprised retirement announcement
Hey Boss! This announcement really came out of surprise to me. You easily had many more years left in your closet. But I guess, you have some better plans and so you are retiring in order to pursue them and rightly so. Enjoy the retirement, Sir! The office will never be the same without you! Your heart and soul really made this organization what it is! We will miss you!
I cannot fathom that I actually heard about your retirement! It came so suddenly with no signs of expectations for the foreseeable future. But that’s what life is, isn’t it! Over the tenure, you really surprised the hell out of me with your work ethic, hard work, and success. There will never be a Boss like you! I pray for your propitious retirement and for the family too! Enjoy!
There is no one in the office that isn’t surprised, and I must say, a tad sad to know about your sudden retirement. We were envisaging so many progressive years under your guidance, support, and leadership but sadly it feels like the journey is over now! You have been a phenomenal boss who made everyone their best version. I am sure that you have really exciting plans to achieve some monumental success in your life! All the good luck and love for retirement!
Inspirational retiring message to Male Boss (Female To Male)
Hey Boss! It has been an awe-inspiring journey of ups and downs, highs and lows, and the ebbs and flows of life. I was always glued (and still today) to the joy and happiness which emancipated from your aura and energy. Now that you are retiring, I want you to know that life has plenty to surprise you, to jolt you from boredom, and to make you follow the things that you always wanted to pursue. Keep the exuberance and vitality alive for the rest of your life Boss! Happy retirement!
While wishes may pour from all your friends and well-wishers about the sadness of your retirement, I want to remind you that it is only the next chapter of your life which doesn’t have to be less meaningful, less fun-filled and less adventurous than what it is now! You will now have plenty of time to do the simple yet meaningful things of life, for which you never had time earlier. The simple joy of spending quality time with the family will recuperate all the fatigue of so many years of your hard work! Life is only about to get more interesting! Cheers on retirement!
How to say simple retirement wishes for Ex- boss and Mentor
When it comes to messaging your former Boss, you can surely include some light-hearted tone instead of the formal tone! In this section, we are including some examples of wishes to your Ex-Boss and Mentor!
Hey man! How are you? Got to know about your retirement! You really lived the kind of life that you always contemplated isn’t it! Working under you has been a phenomenal experience not only professionally, but personally too! My heart and soul is in so much better space right now, all because of your guidance and mentorship! Being an awesome man that you are, now your family will really enjoy sharing the time with you, something which they couldn’t when you were working full time! Cheers for retirement! God bless you!
Short and Sweet messages, notes of Retirement To Boss on WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook, and other social media platforms
Hey Boss! Your one solid advice really changed the fate of my career and I will forever be grateful for that! You achieved plenty of monumental success in your life. Now it is time to sit back from the rat race and enjoy the calmness of life! Happy Retirement!
You have been the focal point of my successful career! All my success in the career came because of your support, criticism, and guidance. But I will always remember you for lending me a shoulder during the low phases of my personal endeavors. You were always much more than the Boss and will always be! I wish you a happy and exuberant retirement, my dear!
It is because of you only that the ………(name of the organization)…………..is reaping the rewards. You gave your everything! Life has already enriched you with all the love, positivity, success and fortune. Now let it enrich you even more! Happy retirement!
It only feels yesterday that I was assigned under your supervision and glad I am that I got the opportunity! You have been more than a Boss to me! I will relish the years of our camaraderie during the time of our professional services! We will, of course, carry on our companionship till the rest of our lives! Enjoy the retirement Boss!
Heartfelt Retirement messages for a female boss who is leaving (Female to Female)
Dear Boss! My eyes are swelled up with tears knowing that you won’t be working with us anymore! Your charm, knowledge, and mannerism has always captivated me and I always wished to become more like you! I am so grateful to you for maintaining harmony, balance and gender equality despite the troublesome workload and our constant annoyance that you have to bear from time to time. I want to say that you handled everything with grace, poise, and dignity. Enjoy the relaxing retirement phase of your life!
While many people have come into my life, only a few of them really cared for me. You are surely amongst them and I will forever be grateful of the Almighty for bringing us together in our professional and personal endeavors. You have always been a breath of fresh air who always thought of the best for their subordinates! And I wish nothing less for you, Mam! Thank you for all you did for people like me! All the good luck for retirement!
How to write a happy retirement card message for your Boss and Mentor
It has been a pleasurable, turbulent and tumultuous ride over the years for you! Yes, we did enjoy the highs and the lows but our goal was always the progress and betterment of the people of our organization. Your inputs really came valuable in times of distress in my personal life. I will miss you! No one as our Boss! Happy Retirement dear!
Religious Christian retirement wishes for your wonderful Boss and Mentor
In every aspect of your life, I have witnessed you working as a true disciple of the Almighty Jesus. The Lord will be happy by witnessing your self-sacrifice, generosity and hard work not only for your employees but also for the society. I pray to God for a happy, joyous and exuberant retirement of yours. Cheers!
I am sure that the heavens have their berth fixed for you! You have impacted the well-fare of your subordinates far beyond our expectations. We will always be indebted to the Almighty for allowing us to work for you! The blessings of the Lord will be upon you and your family. Thanks for everything! Happy Retirement!
The Lord Christ has some plans laid out for you which will require you to keep up with your ebullience, chirpiness, and vitality! Do retire from work but not from life! May the Almighty grant you years of longevity and health! Enjoy the retirement, Sir!
Sample Farewell Retirement (Letter) Speech for Boss (for both male and female) on behalf of the entire team
Sample 1
Hey Boss!
There are some moments in our life that will forever be etched in our memory. Today is one such day that will always remind us of our time with you! A decade ago, a young, charming and exuberant personality was assigned as our team leader. While we were not aware of his (or her) acumen for the business, we certainly sensed his (or her) humaneness for his fellow people.
Behind that stern demeanor and poise, was a man (or woman) who had a tender heart and all he wanted ever was the best effort from his team. He became a leader not by force, but by our choice. He gained our trust, loyalty and respect and all we ever wanted to do for him is to give every ounce of our effort! He showed us the path, got his hands dirty and when success came, rarely he ever took credit for it! In fact, all he did was to project us at the front for the success we achieved under him! Over the years, just like with every relationship, things weren’t all glory! We faced the ups and downs, ebbs and flows of life and made some mistakes, but not for once, our boss, our mentor gave upon us! He made us work hard but appraised us beyond our expectations.
To our Sir, it aches our heart to see you retire. While we want you to keep continuing, we do acknowledge that age might be catching up with you! However, your ebullience was the hallmark of your tenure with us and we hope that it stays with you forever. At last, we say it open-heartedly, something which we have not have ever said about you; that you are probably the best boss in the world and we are so fortunate to have worked for you! Thank you so much, Sir! God bless you!
Team of …..name of the organization….
Frequent Asked Questions
Formal or Casual? What type of tone should reflect from your message?
This actually depends! If you are conveying a retirement message on behalf of a group of subordinates, or co-workers then you should maintain a formal tone. However, if you are sending him a personal message, then you can include a light-hearted and even a funny tone too. But do this only if you have enjoyed a great rapport with him over the years! If you are unsure about choosing which tone, we highly recommend sticking to a 90% formal tone and 10% light-heartedness. We are including an example of it in this section!
Your vivacity and enthusiasm was contagious and was clearly evident from the results you achieved! Your brilliance and the never-ending pursuit of success were really captivating, but it was your altruism and tender-heartedness that really moved my heart! Very few bosses are like you! I am so happy that you are starting a new chapter in your life and I wish it to be as exciting and fun-filled just like your tenure period! Happy retirement Dear!
Should you include a funny tone in the retirement message (by the male employee) for your female boss?
Again! It all depends on your rapport with her! If you and the boss are of the same age, then you may include some light-heartedness in the tone. If the two of you know each other personally, then sure you can include 50% funny (and even sarcastic!) tone and 50% formal tone. If you are sending the wish on behalf of a team or group, then make sure to have at least 90% of a formal tone. An example of it we are mentioning in this section.
Things to keep in mind while preparing the retirement message, speech, letter, notes for your boss
There are a few things you should ensure in your message. The first is obvious to remind your Boss how instrumental he/she has been in your life. Whether it is for making you successful in your career, or giving you the right guidance and support when most of the people in your life didn’t believe in you!
You can then talk about his qualities of helping you out in your personal endeavors and in partaking in the fun and adventurous activities. At last, you can include a positive envisage of his/her retirement. Sometimes people think of retirement with a negative connotation like a less interesting life, no more fun, and outings. So make sure to include a positive connotation such as having loads of free time, going to exotic locations and eating their favorite food.
What about the Boss you despise? Should you give him too a retirement message?
Are you sure that your Boss will acknowledge the appreciative retirement message from yours? Have you completely forgotten the ill-will between the two of you? According to us, we don’t feel it is mandatory to always write a message for an individual if we do not feel like so. Of course, you should not hold grudges and must forgive your Boss for whatever wrong he/she did with you because that really helps you to move forward in life!
But in order to feel so, you really don’t have to write him down a retirement message out of compulsiveness or just because it is a standard practice across the world to do so.
What is the best way to celebrate his/her retirement?
There are many things you can do to celebrate the retirement of your Boss through the following
Speak memorable speeches in a large gathering
Create a Commemorate for your about to be retired Boss
Create an engaging slideshow with stills and images from his tenure
Speak out his list of major achievements
Personal handwritten notes from every team member
Final Thoughts!
We hope that you have enjoyed the retirement messages, wishes, letters, speeches and tips for your Boss, Ex-Boss and mentor. This post has certainly been one of our favorites to write. We will keep on adding more wishes, messages in this post with the passage of time. Until next time, goodbye and take care!